Thursday, December 01, 2005


What does it mean to swaddle a baby?
Swaddling is the art of snugly wrapping your baby in a blanket for warmth and security. It can also keep him from being disturbed by his own startle reflex, and it may even help him stay warm for the first few days of life until his internal thermostat kicks in. Most important, it's a method that can help
settle your baby down when he's overstimulated or when he just needs to feel something close to the snugness and security of the womb.

A good time to try it is after you've made sure your baby isn't hungry, wet, or tired. You should stop swaddling your baby once he is about a month old because after that it can interfere with mobility and development. When your baby begins to kick off the covers, it's a sign he no longer appreciates being bundled snugly.

How do I swaddle my baby?

• Place a cotton sheet on a flat surface and fold down the top right corner about 15cm / 6 inches.

• Place your baby on his back with his head on the fold.

• Pull the corner near your baby's left hand across his body, and tuck the leading edge under his back on the right side under the arm.

• Pull the bottom corner up under your baby's chin.

• Bring the loose corner over your baby's right arm, and tuck it under the back on his left side. Some babies prefer to have their arms free, so you may like to swaddle your baby under the arms so he has access to his hands and fingers.


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